Wednesday, January 7, 2009

15 & 20

Today I ran 15 miles, with 10 x 100m hills run after 5 miles, and another 10 x 100m hills run after 13 miles.

This workout officially kicks off my ultramarathon training. I have been running some big miles over the last couple of months, but all of them were performed at a moderate heart rate. By throwing in 20 hills the intensity level was raised a bit, so I have to consider this a hard session.

The weather was pretty rough, 24 degrees, winds kicking up at 25-30mph. When I was on the South Farms Road my right eyelid almost froze shut.

The hardest part of the run was when I ran hills 11-14. I was on mile 13 and my energy was dropping fast. When I started the hills I did not know how I was going to continue. This is the kind of feeling I love to have, it is a big reason for doing a medium\long run. I know I am going to feel this energy low many times during an ultra, so I have to learn to accept and embrace it, and keep on running, no matter how awful I feel.

I was pretty sure I was going to stop, but then I realized my ipod was playing slow, meditative music. I like listening to repetitive melodies when I am on the South Farms road, but it was having a bad effect when running the hills today. I changed the song to the main theme of Run Lola Run, and I immediately felt my energy return.

I was able to finish the hills, and then ran the final mile comfortably to Jimmy John's, where I got my usual sandwich. Walking home in the chill afternoon, eating my sandwich, feeling beat up, yet strong - a day well lived....

I like it when running inspires me to photograph. Sometimes I take my camera on the run and make pictures as I go along. Today I did not have my camera with me, but I was inspired to make a photograph post-run while I was soaking and massaging my legs in the tub.

After 15 miles & 20 Hills


Anonymous said...

A day well spent indeed! You're off to a great start. Tough workout, plus 15 you're strong!
Cool photo.

704Studio said...

Hey JD, thanks for the nice comment!

You are lucky to live with a hill right outside your door.

I was just reading some good stuff by Gordon Pirie, he mentions that he started off each workout by running up the hill outside his house.

I forgot to ask, do you have any of your music online? If so, I'd love to hear some of it.

Mariellen said...

15 miles and 20 hills?! That's awesome! Nice job. I like that photo too. It's very creative.

704Studio said...

Thanks, Mazzie, Hope you have a great weekend!