Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Feeling 21

The past two days have given me a ton of confidence about the upcoming ultra races in July and August.

The solstice was a success, I spent 95% of the day outdoors, the indoor activities were eating Indian food and a 20 minute bath after biking 24 miles, hiking 7, and running 16. After the bath I did more biking and hiking, so I am estimating that I covered 52-55 miles by leg power.

I was not sure how I was going to be feeling the next day, as I am not accustomed to riding a bike for anything more than 30 minutes at a time. I had forgotten, though, that when I was unable to run in February and March I did 60-90 minute speed biking sessions around the cemetery, so my biking muscles must still be conditioned.

I woke up Monday feeling energetic, with no soreness. When I got home from the dentist Rachel told me there was a heat advisory, that was all I needed to hear, so I quickly laced my shoes and headed outdoors, deciding to run up and down the arboretum hill.

I ended up running the hill for 2 hours and 45 minutes. The first 30 minutes my body was having difficulty keeping cool, but soon after I got into a meditative trance and my body adjusted. I imagined that if I constantly trained in a furnace-like setting, the 91 degree heat and humidity that was weighing me down would not only feel cool, but would make me shiver. That idea made me feel a little stronger as I continued slogging up and down the hill.

Toward the end of the session I was reminded of running the hill at Blackwell in my early 20's. The same kind of heat, the sun going down, exhaustion mixed with strength. I recalled the man I had witnessed running Blackwell Hill for 3 hours, training for a 100 mile race. I was in awe as I watched him trudging endlessly in the orange twilight heat. Today I had become that man - middle aged, running up and down a hill in summer heat, training for an ultra marathon - life does not get much better.

At runs end I felt the peculiar strength of youth, even though it is so far behind me now. To feel 21 at 43 is bliss......


Will Cooper said...

Thanks 704 studio.

JD said...

Seriously, inspirational! Good to see you in such fine form. You've earned the right to feel so good, your patient recovery and subsequent workouts have been impressive!

704Studio said...

Jd, thanks for the comment. Running is going well for me right now, I hope it can continue. Hope your leg is recovering. Have you tried a foam roller on it?

Will, congrats on a great WS, your achievement is inspiring!