Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ben Bedford at the Embassy

Well I won't be staying long
4 or 5 days maybe less
you can take me out to dinner

to the place you like the best

we can gaze across the table

and you can tell me about your life
the man you fell in love with

and how you're now his wife.

If you find you need me

or you're feeling sad

you can call me on the phone

and talk of good times that we had

and I'm sure your kids are pretty
and one day they'll understand

the vast expanse of heartache

and how love slipped through my hands.

from Annabelle #2, by Ben Bedford

Ben Plays the Embassy, No. 1

An amazing night at the Embassy yesterday.

When we walked in 10-15 people sat at the bar or tables, and Ben stood with his back to the room, tuning his guitar, the picture window lit green/yellow from the cold night lamps, the neon beer sign throwing gaudy reflections on the walls and floor.

Rachel and I sat down at the bar, closest to Ben. A woman sat beside us, I recognized her as one of the barkeeps. She overheard us ordering our veggie burgers and drinks, and offered her advice on the grilled mushrooms.

10 minutes later Ben walked by and recognized me, even though I had not seen him in years. We shook hands, and I gave him some cash for his latest CD.

He sang his first set to a partly empty room, a handful of people listening. He put his heart into every note, his voice filling the dim room with melody and beauty. His style had matured since I had last heard him, his guitar technique flawless and his voice exceptionally clear and resonant.

Ben Plays the Embassy, No. 2

At the break I was touched that Ben decided to sit with Rachel and I. I had never sat down with Ben and spoken, so I wondered how it would go.

I found out that Ben ....

  • will soon be getting married to a fellow musician
  • was a history major
  • is a runner
  • has been making his living from music for the past 4 years
  • was not sure of the meaning of Bukowski's epitaph "Don't Try"
  • has a western states tour coming up this summer
  • was not aware of The Handsome Family or Bon Iver
Our discussion passed much too quickly, and he soon resumed his second set. He played a version of Twenty One that blew me away, and Annabelle #2, one of my favorites, made me smile and feel meloncholy. He dedicated Poncho and Lefty to Rachel and I.

Ben Plays the Embassy, No. 3

Rachel had to work in the morning so unfortunately we had to leave during his second set. I said goodbye as I passed, sad to leave this beautiful, forlorn troubadour.

I love Ben Bedford....

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