"The wind blows hard among the pines
Toward the beginning
Of an endless past.
Listen : You've heard everything."
Shinkichi Takahashi
It felt good to walk to work with the camera again.
As usual, I saw Homeless Bill sitting in his usual spot. This time, I decided to photograph him.
I have always been curiously fascinated with people who wander around all day, no commitments, home, family or friends. Living in Chicago in the 90's I saw my fair share of these lost souls. Some seem deranged, others filled with greed for the next drink or meal. A few, though, seemed thoroughly happy. These I considered to be the wise ones, modern day Zen masters who roamed the earth as enlightened individuals.
I don't have the sense that Homeless Bill is one of the enlightened ones, but the picture I made of him this morning may prove me to be wrong.
I did another triple workout this afternoon. Ran 1 mile to Brookens, then did 6 sets of strength exercises and 6 sets of jump rope. I walked home, then got on my bike and rode 9-10 miles as fast as I could. No matter how hard I pedaled I could not force myself into exhaustion. I was doing loops around the cemetery - going into the wind, uphill, I attacked it like I was Lance Armstrong. I'm either in fantastic cardio shape, or biking is just too damn easy for me.
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