Thursday, February 12, 2009

Meditation II

Day 2 has brought me a little closer to center, but I am still a long way from hitting a sweet spot.

Meditated in the morning before work, and as I did so I recalled a dream I had last night.

My body must have felt the shock of not running yesterday, because in my dream I returned to a running route I have visited many times before, but only in my dreams. After a short jaunt through an unknown town, I reach a lush forest which is populated with exotic and dangerous animals, such as tigers and rhinos. Beyond the forest is a large grassy hill, and atop the hill is a plateau upon which a track is built.

In the dream I was with my friend Michelle. Michelle happens to also be currently injured (not in the dream), so it makes some sense that I am with her in the dream. We are planning to run a long race, and as we are warming up we get to the edge of the forest and hear a lion roar. This frightens us because the race will extend into the night, and we are concerned we will be easy prey for the lion and whatever other hungry animals are lurking in the night forest.

Because of the lion we decide to run around the edge of the woods to reach the hill and track. When we get to the track I change into my cross country spikes, but I find that the heel of my right shoe is falling off. I become irritated because I have only worn the shoes once before.

I then woke up.

It was awesome to be able to run in the dream, and also to be at my favorite place with Michelle. My body and spirit are already missing running.

When I got home from work I took Maggie to the arboretum and we walked around under a mild blue sky. I did some strength exercises while Maggie barked loudly at me - she didn't care to wait for me to finish. I could sense her frustration and I started to laugh, and this made her more impatient, so she chased me around the playground, nipping at me, while I protected myself by raising one leg and blocking her attacks with my shoe.

When I got home I searched for some postcard paper to make a drawing on, but could not find any. Instead I stumbled across some more artifacts from my past.


I cut a large piece of watercolor paper down to 8x10 size, then made a chalk/charcoal drawing of a small vase of flowers, set up in my studio/meditation room.

Vase of Flowers

Close Up of Vase of Flowers

I usually like to listen to music while I draw, but for the past two days I have lived in silence, dancing to the beat of my own breath.

I tried to stay focused on my breathing and body position while I drew.

I have not made a drawing in a long time, but I did not seem to forget the little skills I possess.

After drawing I meditated, then made some nettle tea and sat down to write out this entry.

Tonight a supper of Indian food or pasta, I have not decided yet.

More meditation.

Then sleep.

My knee, and everything else, felt improved today, which makes me hopeful I may be back to running within a few weeks. I think my whole system was taxed from the Riddle Run, and I am just now finally coming around. Next time I may think twice about running 5 1/2 hours in snow.

Outside my window the sun has sunk below the houses, a soft orange and blue glow warming the grass and the street. The chickens have made their way back to the coop, time to tuck them in for the night....

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