Monday, February 23, 2009

Meditation XIII : Letters & Pictures

"Rolling the bamboo blind, I
Look out at the world - what change!
Should someone ask what I've discovered,
I'll smash this whisk against his mouth.

All's harmony, yet everything is separate.
Once confirmed, mastery is yours.
Long I hovered on the Middle Way,
Today the very ice shoots flame."

Today I was happy.

While I was walking to work this morning I noticed that my legs felt stronger, especially in the hips. When I ran across a busy street I felt like my old self - light and fast.

When I got home from work I took Maggie to the arboretum and we ran around the 1/2 mile field. I was able to run the field 6 times, which is double what I had been doing. I even wore Maggie out because, feeling so exuberant, I could not control my pace and ended up running faster than I should have.

After the run I did 3 sets of strength exercises and the special hip stretches.

Today gives me confidence that I am going to get over this. I felt kind of smart today because I figured out how to treat this odd injury. However, it is too early to be giving myself a pat on the back, I will wait until I can run the South Farms, then I will celebrate by eating a Jimmy John's sandwich :)

My 13 days of silent meditation have come to an end. I made some progress and hope to continue meditating everyday, although it will not be as easy since I won't be living alone.

I will pick up Rachel at the airport tomorrow.

After I finish writing this entry I will bake a cake for her.

More old letters and pictures found today :

After my run today I recalled Wim Wender's film Lisbon Story. The main character has his foot in a cast for the first half of the story. When his foot finally heals and he sheds his cast, he is exuberant and celebrates by doing a dance with a big smile on his face!

Here is a beautiful segment from that film :


Anonymous said...


Be sure and hang that welcome home sign where it can be seen!

Mariellen said...

Excellent post. I'm so happy that you're running again and that it isn't painful. That's so sweet that you're baking a cake for her. What a sweet thing to do! :) I hope she had a great trip.