Saturday, April 4, 2009

In a Valley

I am going to stop writing in my blog until things turn around for me.

I can't run because of an injured leg which shows no signs of getting better, I lost access to my wife's digital camera, and I am reluctant to order darkroom supplies because my cash flow is going in reverse.

There isn't much for me to write about these days because all I am doing is walking and meditating.

If my leg gets better and I can run again, I am sure I will want to write about it. Until then.....


JD said...

Things will turn around. They eventually always do. That really sucks about your leg though. Damnit! Hang in there. I'll miss your inspirational blogs and great song choices. I'll just have to scroll through the older posts for some life motivation. I'll keep checking in. Good luck!

Mariellen said...

Hi James,
I'm sorry to hear about your leg. It sounds like you're pretty down right now. Things will get better. I'm glad to see that you're meditating. That will help you a lot I'm sure. Hope the leg starts feeling better asap.