Sunday, November 16, 2008

Multiple 12

I probably won't work in the darkroom today, there is still time to do something, and I have the urge, but I think after yesterday's long session it would be wise to rest and reflect on the week's work.

It is surprising how much can be accomplished in a short time, and how little can be done over a long period. I have recently been thinking of the old phrase "strike while the iron is hot", because I can feel the work and passion beginning to flow.

Yesterday felt so good because in the midst of the work time ceased to exist, and life was reduced to just the music playing on the stereo, my vision, and the prints emerging from the developer.

I showed Rachel the sculpture print. She said she was hoping for more of a feel of the black field. I suppose I could have changed the exposure scheme, as I chose to expose the film at f 5.4 so that the field would be a mass of black with no detail. Rachel was hoping to see the detail, so who knows which is correct. The one thing I have learned about photographing is to be flexible with an idea. Most times I just walk into the world and see what happens. This particular time I had a vague idea of what I wanted to accomplish, but I still did not know how things would turn out. What I am happy about is working from recognition, to planning, to execution, and then making a print. Is it good, is it right, is it what I was after? I don't know, but in the process is the meaning, I leave the print for others to judge.

November Loss
Printed 2008

Railyard, Winter Study
Printed 2008

What I have been listening to in the darkroom :

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