Friday, February 6, 2009

Alone with the Alone

"This woman comes over once in a while and straightens up but then she starts in with THE INTELLIGENT TALK, and I let her win her precious little arguments, I hate haggle, but just the same I get a little sick with how PROUD people are with the mind, how they want to ram it through you like a sword, how they want to talk talk talk. Don't they know that there is simply something nice about sitting in a room and drinking a beer and not saying much, feeling the world out there, and sitting there, sitting there, resting?"
Charles Bukowski, July 1, 1963

On my running blog a few people commented on my knee ailment. It inspired me to do some research and I found that I most likely have an IT band that is on fire.

A person suggested I try drinking nettle tea. I am not sure if that will help my IT band, but since it kind of sounded like an artful, alchemical potion, why not?

After running 2 miles today I walked to Strawb's and found the magic nettle formula. It has a rough, earthy flavor. Rachel tried some.

"What do you think of this?" she asked.

"I like it, it makes me think I'm drinking tea in a dark forest."

"It tastes like grass."

"I guess I'm easily satisfied."

So I sit hear drinking nettle/grass tea and eating a taco salad. When I finish here I will take a hot bath, then give my right hip/thigh a long massage.

The cure to this is supposed to be stretching and massage. So I need to get after it and work at getting back to normal. I'm far enough out from Clinton Lake so I think I can recover and still get in some decent training. I shouldn't lose too much fitness because I plan on running a few miles everyday, I just can't run hills, or long.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50 degrees, so the snow will be melting. I can't wait to feel the warmth of the sun, and to run in shorts again.

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