Thursday, February 5, 2009

Desert is a Circle

"Everything finally kills us from carrots to the timeclock or no timeclock at all, and it's the faces that kill us too: faces like putty granite with raisin eyes snapped in, and the way they walk and the way they laugh and love and hate and drive their cars and piss into the diminishing areas of our lives. We are the pitiful beggars - we don't even want the coin, we are so sick we don't know why."
Charles Bukowski, November 23, 1964

Everything except my knee has recovered 100%. I am pleased that I had such a fast recovery, now I just have to get my knee back to normal.

The knee is about 40-50% better than Sunday, but the recovery has stalled, so now I just have to give a lot of ice and stimulation massage and hope for the best. I may have to wait 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months.

I have learned that minor injuries are a part of running. As long as I am pushing and reaching for the sun, there is no doubt that at times I will fall off the edge. One thing I am proud of, I have learned to stay within bounds during my training runs.

I felt the knee get stiff at mile 20 of the race, but I decided to keep pushing and finish because it was a race. I don't like to leave anything on the course, and I can accept the consequences of that attitude.

Worked on a couple of pictures today :

Circle Study, No. 1

Circle Study, No. 2

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