Thursday, May 21, 2009

Howl at the Moon

Yesterday I signed up for the Howl at the Moon 8 hour race on August 8th. I know I won't be in the greatest shape by then, but, August has always been my best month for running. I run well in heat and humidity, and I always seem to hit a peak in that hot month. In September my allergies arrive, and my body loses energy for the next 3 months. Rather than wait until October's Farmdale race, where I will not be at my best, I may as well try a race in August. I do not have enough time to get into optimal racing shape, but life rarely allows such occurrences anyway, so I will take what I can get.

Today I ran the a South Farms loop for 12.5 miles. The mid 80's heat zapped me because it has been about 7 months since I last ran in that kind of warmth. I am still feeling it several hours later, a kind of blissful lethargy settling into my muscles.

When I finished the loop, I thought, "in August I will just have to run 3 more of those loops back to back to back - no problem!" :)


Melinda said...

Yay, James! I'm so very happy for you that you've been able to run again! I've been thinking (and worrying) about you since your April post where you sounded so dejected, so I'm glad to see that even if you're feeling a bit out of shape, you're back out there again. Just be careful not to knock yourself out!

704Studio said...

Nice to hear from you, Melinda! Good luck with your end of school papers, and moving! I hope you and Roger find a nice place.

I ran 18 miles today, I am still in below average shape, but I guess running long is partly attitude, and training in the ice and cold last winter gave me a lot of that :)

Hope all is well in Cali!