Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Prince of the Stable Door

"What was I doing before the age of 35 when I began writing? Dying, sweetheart, dying."
Charles Bukowski, November 4, 1964

I can't go anywhere without the camera these days because every few moments something stops me, and I have to look.

Walking home from work this morning I noticed that the shadows of the world were having their say, and I thought of Minor White when I saw a telephone pole laying in the street.

Minor White


About 2 minutes later I passed the side door to the Cinema gallery and photographed the reflections in the glass.

Prince of the Stable Door

After I photographed the door I started walking again, and had one of those philosophical moments which I love so much. This time I wondered what it was I had learned in life. If I am going to ever know anything about life, wouldn't I surely have discovered it by now?

These random ideas came into my head :

- When I do or say something, 90% of the people who witness it won't give a shit, 5% will love it, and 5% will want to beat my brains in.

- Everyone is full of shit, even the president, the scientists, and the priests. Therefore, the only things I can trust are my own senses and heart.

- Say nothing, do nothing, then there is inner peace.

- Let's see what consciousness brings to me today.

- There is no absolute truth, it changes from day to day.

- Tomorrow all of the above will no longer be valid.

So, after 42 years of walking the earth, that pretty much sums up all I have learned. Did I really need 20 years of schooling to learn that?

An added exclamation to the above :


Anonymous said...

Great photos! I'm digging the Banhart tunes, I'd never heard of him/them before, very pure, original music.

Mariellen said...

That song is pretty silly. I'm glad that you've been taking your camera with you everywhere. We get to see a glimpse of the world you see by viewing your photos. Oh yeah...that cake looks delicious. What kind of topping is on it? It's making me hungry!!!

704Studio said...

JD, Banhart strikes me as an authentic, and VERY happy troubador - fun stuff!

Mazzie - thanks for stopping by. For the past 12 years Rachel has wanted the same birthday cake - chocolate macaroon bundt cake, with german chocolate frosting. With all the practice I get I have become an expert bundt cake maker :)